Sunday, June 11, 2006

Coming Down from the Mountain

I haven't gotten up and gone to work in the morning since June 2. It has been an outstanding vacation, probably one of the best. I loved what I did that last ten days, but you can't spend life on a mountaintop. The blessing of a mountaintop experience is that it happens. Unfortunately, it also ends.

I would much rather being spending the day in the sweltering heat, getting after a mess of 8-10 year-old boys about proper hydration than do what I do to get paid. It's more fulfilling, more rewarding, and, frankly, a lot more fun. There was a time when you spent the day every day with your family, out on the farm. It was hard work, but you got to see your loved ones a lot more. Farming for me is mowing the lawn and I try not to do that when I don't have to. But I think those people were blessed in a way.

I got to spend all day every day last week with my son. My wife and daughter were around, too. And that added to the mountaintop experience.

Tomorrow, I go back to the valley. The valley has advanatages, too. For one, they pay me to go there, which helps keep my son, wife, and daughter in inconsequential things, like food, clothing, and shelter. Also, I've come to truly value the people I work with, and I've missed them. One of my co-workers is also deeply involved with Cub Scouts and I can't wait to talk to her about what we did at camp last week.

But still, I can't help but be wistful about the passage of this nearly perfect week. And I can't help but thank God for the blessing of putting it in my life.

I think that last week was a taste of heaven.

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