Friday, June 16, 2006

A Trite Little Message

There was a Friday--it was May 15, 1992. I'd planned to work half a day, but that didn't happen. You see, we had guests coming from out of town, starting at noon that day. I picked up my friends Dan and Jenn and we had a pleasant lunch at Ruby Tuesday in Fair Oaks Mall. That night, we had a very nice dinner at a place called Clyde's in Tyson's Corner.

It was a rare weekend in which I could put aside all the problems of the world and enjoy time with family and friends. And it came off without a hitch. Well, except for actually getting hitched, which I did the next day, May 16, 1992.

But really the next day was a blur. One of the enduring memories of the weekend was of that morning, of the feeling of freedom and anticipation, the feeling of being completely unburdened by the cares of the day.

I'll probably pass someone on the way to work this morning who feels that way, someone for whom the burderns of everyday life had been cut free for a brief time. And I'll probably pass someone on the way to the worst day of their lives.

I've been both of those people. And probably will be again.

All of which is a convoluted way of saying that, no matter what it is, this, too, shall pass. Treasure the blessings and weather the storms for all of them are temporary.

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