Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Why bother?

Sometimes it seems as if it doesn't matter what you do? The outcome seems like a forgone conclusion. The winners will win; the losers will lose. Live goes on today the same way it did yesterday and the day before that. For all the times we say that change is the only constant in life, that's really not true. Things evolve over time, but revolution is rare.

So you sit and plug away at what God's supposed purpose is for your life and it's the same today as it was yesterday, which is the same as the day before. Others may excel or crash and burn, but life isn't like college football, where you get eleven chances and that's it. It's like baseball, where you get up every day and go at it. Sometimes the winners stink it up and the losers do everything right, but more often than not, at the end, it works as expected.

God doesn't predestine us for victory or defeat, but we sure do it to ourselves and each other. Once you project the aura of a winner, you're seen that way. And once you project the aura of a loser, it doesn't much matter what you do.

It is worth the effort to work extra-hard to change the perception? Maybe.

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