Wednesday, October 13, 2004

October 13,

Work is difficult right now. I am doing a job that I am clearly not qualified to do and I am doing it...well, about as well as you would expect. I'm not great at it. In fact, some days it seems as if I haven't got a clue what to do and everyone else knows better than I do what my job is.

Yesterday was particularly hard. I'm not good at being bad at something. I am particularly not good at disappointing the people I work for. I take it as a personal point of importance that I erase problems for the people I'm working for. Ironically, that's part of the reason I'm not good at my current job.

But who the hell am I working for? I'm certainly not working for the clamoring throngs who look to me to fix their problems for them on a daily basis. And I'm not working for the people who see, in me, an opportunity to get out of doing their own work. And I'm not working for the people who figure it's easier to have me tell them what to do over the phone than it is for them to look in the help file.

I work for Him.

And as I write this, I am listing to something called Key Life, in which today's message is to do what God told you to do and don't do what He didn't tell you to do. You can't do everything. And neither can I. It is, in fact, somewhat arrogant to assume that you can. And self-absorbed to concentrate on the inevitable failure. (That last part is mine, not theirs.)

So even if the people I work for are unhappy with the things I am doing on my job, it is not them that I work for. It is Him. Now, this is a risky proposition. Paul very clearly indicates that we are to follow what our leadership tells us to do. So it is not our place to regularly tell our leaders to go pound sand. There is a reason they are where they are, and sometimes it is because they are competent and you can learn from them.

So what has God told me to do? That is where things need to start. And it starts with the Bible and your leadership and discernment and the confidence that comes from knowing that you are in Him.

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