Monday, December 20, 2004

The Bumper Sticker

We had just told two sets of parents that their babies, which we'd just baptised, were welcomed into the Church because God is love. We applauded them because they were there and were joining us.

As I drove out of God's house and into the real world. And I strained to read the bumper sticker back of the red SUV three cars up from me. You can't be Catholic and pro-choice, it said.

It was the fourth Sunday of Advent. We were getting ready for the coming of Jesus, the man whose death launched a new religion and a lot of thoughts, some of the accurate.

Jesus died, I am told, so that I could dare come before God and hope to emerge as more than a smoldering black spot on the ground. That means, according to the first reading we heard that day, that we have received grace so that we could have the obedience of faith (Romans 1:5).

Apparently, Paul forgot to mention the part about the abortion litmus test.

I need to figure out what other parts Paul might have forgotten about.

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